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2024.10.07. ~ 11.09. Visiting student (Enyang Men) from USTC

Enyang Men is the third year graduate student in USTC/Hefei Magnetic Laboratory. He visited our lab for one month to work on CaH2 reduction on his oxide samples. He will enjoy not only PNU and Busan but also KPS meeting at Yeo-su. He is very outgoing and talented. Recently, he published his work in Nature Communications. Welcome, Enyang!

An atomically controlled insulator-to-metal transition in iridate/manganite heterostructures | Nature Communications 

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RSS 2.0 258 number of counts
search postings
number title author date file hits
258 2024.10.07. ~ 11.09. Visiting student (Enyang Men) from USTC new record 진형진 2024.10.11 0 6
257 2024.11.26. ~ 11.28. In-situ x-ray diffraction at PAL (3D) 진형진 2024.09.02 0 7
256 2024.10.31. ~ 11.03. XAS/XMCD beam time at PAL (2A) 진형진 2024.09.02 0 5
255 2024.11.08. Proton ion beam time at KOMAC 진형진 2024.09.02 0 1
254 2024.10.15. ~ 17. Helium ion beam time at KOMAC 진형진 2024.09.02 0 2
253 2024.10.10. Proton ion beam time at KOMAC 진형진 2024.09.02 0 2
252 2024.08.28. Phinally Done 진형진 2024.08.28 0 25
251 24.07.11. Informal seminar 진형진 2024.07.13 0 20
250 Research trip to RIES, Hokkaido University 진형진 2024.07.12 0 26
249 2024.09.28.~ 09.30. PAL 2A beam time rescheduled 진형진 2024.07.09 0 4