2017.11.09 | Hyoungjeen will give a colloquium talk in Inha Univ. |
2017.10.25 ~ 27 | Hyoungjeen will give an invited talk in KPS Fall meeting. In the same conference, Hyeonjun, Sangkyun, Eunyoung, and Dr. Swain will give their presentations. |
2017.10.23. | Dr. Jooseop Lee (CHESS in Cornell) visited our lab and give his talk on neutron and x-ray scattering. |
2017.10.19 ~21 | Dr. Swain, Gowoon, Joonhyuk will be in PAL for their XRS experiments in 3D. |
2017.10.18 | Spectroscopic ellipsometer was successfully transferred. We are now ready to measure optical properties. |
2017.09.29 | Prof. Jungdae Kim (U. of Ulsan) and his student/postdoc visited our lab for the collaboration. |
2017.09.27 | Prof. Chanho Yang (KAIST) visited our lab for his colloquium and discussion. |
2017.09.24 ~ 28 | Our lab was in a series of beam times. (XRS in 3D [9.24 ~ 26] and XAS/XMCD in 2A [9.27 & 28]. |
2017.09.15 | We have high power Nd:YAG LASER for ablation and optical experiments. Please see the Shared equipment for details. This will be shared with Prof. M. Cha in Physics Department. ![]() |
2017.09.10 ~ 23 | Gowoon and Joonhyuk will be in RIES, Hokkaido University for collaboration in Ohta group. http://functfilm.es.hokudai.ac.jp/english/visiting-research-scholar/ |
2017.09.06 ~ 07 | Gowoon and Sangkyun will present their recent work in Emallia conference. http://phys.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/rikensympo/Emallia2/index.html |
2017.09.07 | Joonhyuk, Hyeonjun, and Sangkyun will be in PAL for their x-ray scattering experiments |
2017.09.01 | Dr. Dongkyu Lee visited our lab. |
2017.08.XX | Joonhyuk and Sangkyun were in KAERI Hanaro Summer school on neutron reflectivity. |
2017.07.XX | Joonhyuk, Hyeonjun, Sangkyun, and Gowoon were in PAL for their x-ray scattering experiments |
2017.06.06 | Sangkyun's work was accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett.. Congratulation, Sangkyun. Please check the following link |
2017.06.01. | With helps of Mitali, Sangkyun, Prof. Park, and his students, Polarized neutron reflectivity beamtime is allocated. We will do PNR experiments in NCNR, NIST sooner or later. |
2017.06.02 - 04 | Joonhyuk, Hyeonjun, Sangkyun, and Gowoon will be in PAL for their x-ray absorption experiments. |
2017.05.29 | Hyoungjeen will be one of symposium organizers for S8 (Multifunctional Nanocomposites) in 2018 EAM conference.![]() |
2017.04.20 | Joonhyuk, Sangkyun, and Gowoon went to KPS meeting for their oral and/or poster presentation. Sangkyun won the best oral presentation award. Congratulation, Sangkyun!![]() |
2017.04.13 | Hyoungjeen and Mitali gave an invited talk in PNU-HU-RIKEN workshop. |
2017.04.10 | A proposal (고체물리 늘품 또바기 연구회) jointly prepared by our members (Gowoon (PI), Joonhyuk , Hyeonjun, Sangkyun, and Sangwook) and Prof. Jaekwang Lee's group was chosen as undergraduate-graduate research network program from PNU institute for research & industry cooperation. Congratulations! |
2017.04.10 | Joonkyuk's work has been accepted for publication in Curr. Appl. Phys. Congratulation, Joonhyuk. Please check the following link http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567173916303650 |
2017.03.14 -19 | Joonhyuck, Hyeonjun, Sangkyun, Gowoon, and Eunyoung went to PAL for their x-ray scattering experiments. ![]() |
2017.03.07 | ANTIQUE is up now. It will be used for electrode deposition and metal-nitride deposition. |
2017.02.24 | Eunyoung's master degree was granted. Congratulations. She will continue to work in our lab as a research assistant. |
2017.01.24 | US patent was granted on Hyoungjeen's work titled as Strontium cobaltite oxygen sponge catalyst and methods (9,550,166). |
2017.01.24 | Eunyoung's work has been accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. C. Congratulations, Eunyoung. Please check the following link:http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b11959 |
2016.12.19 | Welcome Dr. Mitali Swain. Her experties are on PNR, XRR, and sputtering. She was hired through BK21 Plus Program in Physics, Pusan National University. |
2016.12.16 | Year-End-Party with all the members![]() |
2016.11.24 | Hyeonjun got best poster award from 2016 Fall Korea Magnetics Society. Congratulations! ![]() |
2016.10.19 | Eunyoung won prestigious outstanding female graduate student award from KPS. Congratulations! ![]() |
2016.10.05 | Joonhyuck, Hyeonjun, Sangkyun went to PAL for their x-ray scattering experiments. |
2016.08.07-10 | Sangkyun went to Korea-Japan conference on ferroelectrics (KJC-FE11) for his poster presentation. |
2016.06.30 | We performed another synchrotron experiments (x-ray scattering) in PAL. |
2016.06.23 | Aloha, Yeonwoo Lee. Welcome to CMPL for his internship. |
2016.06.20 | Prof. Shinbuhm Lee (DGIST) visited our lab. |
2016.06.20 | Adios, Taekwan Park. He successfully finished their intern student program in CMPL. I personally appreciate his time and efforts for his work and construction of gas lines |
2016.06.18 | Aloha, Sangwook Lee. Welcome to CMPL for his internship. |
2016.06.17 | Another good news. Eunyoung's work has been accepted for publication in RSC Adv. Congratulations, Eunyoung. Please check the following link: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2016/RA/C6RA09928A#!divAbstract |
2016.06.17 | Adios, Hyeon Jin Lee. He successfully finished their intern student program in CMPL. We remember your time and effort. Thank you. |
2016.06.16 | Hyeonjun's work has been accepted for publicaiton in J. Mater. Sci. I have to emphasize this work isHyeonjun's undergraduate intern project. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10853-016-0144-9 |
2016.05.30-06.02 | We were in PAL for synchrotron experiments.![]() |
2016.05.26-27 | On behalf of R&D group for next-generation rare-earth free permanent magnets, Hyoungjeen will organize a symposium on "Advance characterization techniques for magnetic materials" in 2016 summer Korean Magnetic Society meeting at Busan, Korea.![]() |
2016.05.23-24 | Prof. Yoonseok Lee (UF & PNU) visited our campus for encouraging both undergraduate and graduate students![]() |
2016.05.11 | Prof. Eunseong Kim (KAIST) visited out lab for department colloquium. |
2016.05.04 | Hyoungjeen gave colloquium in Physics, UNIST![]() |
2016.04.20-22 | Spring KPS meeting in Daejeon with lab members (Eunyoung, Hyeonjun, and Goun)![]() |
2016.04.12 | Prof. Sang Woon Lee (Ajou) visited our department and my lab for FIP seminar. |
2016.04.08 | Hyoungjeen gave an invited talk in the Korean Electrochemical Society meeting at Gwangju, Korea |
2016.03.30 | Prof. Byungjoon Choi (Seoul Tech) visited our department and my lab for FIP seminar. |
2016.02.26 | B.S. degree was granted to Hyeongjun and Sangkyun. They are entering PNU Physics graduateprogram. Congratulations, Amigos.![]() |
2016.1.31-2.2 | Hyunjoon, Goun(undergrad intern students), Eunyoung, and Junehyuck(grad students) successfully finished their poster presentations in 2016 Muju symposium on dielectrics. Especially, Eunyoung won the best poster award. Congratulations! ![]() |
2015.12.22. | Hyunjoon, Sangkyun, Goun(undergrad intern students), Eunyoung, and Junehyuck(grad students) successfully finished poster presentations in 2015 Fall KPS Busan-Ulsan_Kyungnam branch meeting. Especially, Goun won the best poster award. Congratulations! ![]() |
2015.12.19 | The first plasma of ANTIQUE in our era. We completely rebuilt this abandoned chamber. It took nearly an year to revive it with endless efforts of our team.![]() |
2015.12.18 | Aloha, Hyunjin Lee, Yujeong Ahn, and Taekwan Park. Welcome to CMPL for your internship. program. |
2015.12.17 | Adios, Jiho Kang, Minseong Seo, Hosu Lee, Seonghyun Im, and Baekyung Kim. They successfully finished their intern student program in CMPL. We remember your time and effort. Thank you.![]() |
2015.12.16 | Hyoungjeen, Junehyuck, and Eunyoung was in PAL for their experiments. |
2015.12.11 | Sunghyun won silver medal and Gowoon won bronze medal in undergraduate research competition in phyiscs department. |
2015.12.11 | Hyoungjeen's paper(Structural evolution of epitaxial SrCoOx films near topotactic phase transition) was accepted for publication in AIP Advances. |
2015.12.10 | Sunghyun Lim(2nd place) and Goun Kim(3nd place) won prizes in 2015 Physics research competition. Congratulations! |
2015.11.24-27 | Hyoungjeen, Junehyuck, and Eunyoung was in PAL for their experiments. |
2015.11.26 | Hyoungjeen was in 2015 KOMAG Fall meeting for the poster presentation. The poster is about Sangkyun's intern project. |
2015.11.10 | Prof. Seohyoung Chang from PKNU will viist our lab. He will give a talk in FIP seminar series. |
2015.11.09 | Our team are now supported by new funding (Small Grant for Exploratory Research Program).![]() |
2015.11.05 | Hyoungjeen gave an invited talk in 2015 KCerS Fall meeting. |
2015.10.28 | Prof. Sunghwan Kim from Ajou Univ. visited our lab. He will give a talk in Department colloquium. |
2015.10.22 | Eunyoung presented her second poster presentation in KPS fall meeting. |
2015.10.01 | A propos al ( 응집물리 돋된 한무릎 연구회) from our members (Eunyoung (PI), Junehyuck , Hyunjoon, and Sangkyun) was chosen as undergraduate-graduate research network program from PNU institute for research & industry cooperation. Congratulations! ![]() |
2015.09.30 | Prof. Dohun Kim from Yonsei Univ. visited our lab. He gave a talk in Department colloquium. |
2015.09.17 | Hyoungjeen gave an invited talk in KIMS, Korea. |
2015.09.10 | Cooperative agreement has been made between PNU Physics and Physics department in University of Florida, where Hyoungjeen got his Ph.D. |
2015.09.04 | Hyoungjeen gave an invited talk in the first symposium in Siheung Ppuri Technical Supporting Center & AMAES IV workshop on innovative surface treatment procedures for functional coatings and materials at KITECH, Korea. |
2015.08.27 | Eunyoung, Junehyuck, and myself went to 2nd Workshop on Oxide Heterostructure at SNU, Korea. |
2015.08.25 | Hyoungjeen gave an invited talk in annual workshop on X-ray measurement club at KRISS, Korea. |
2015.08.19 ~ 21 | Eunyoung, Hyunjoon, and Sangkyun were in 2nd Magnetism summer school at DGIST, Korea . |
2015.07.27 ~ 29 | Junehyuck and Eunyoung participated in PLS-II summer school (synchrotron summer school). |
2015.06.23 | - We had new undergraduate researcher (Gowoon Kim). - Hyunjoon, Sangkyun, Jiho, Minsung (undergrad intern students), Eunyoung, and Junehyuck (grad students) successfully finished poster presentations in 2015 Spring KPS Busan-Ulsan_Kyungnam branch meeting |
2015.06.02 | Dr. Jung Goo Lee, who is the head of functional nano powder department in KIMS, visited our lab. He gave a talk in FIP seminar series |
2015.05.26 | Prof. Jungseek Hwang from SKKU visited our lab. He gave a talk in FIP seminar series |
2015.05.12 | Dr. Ji-Won Son from KIST visited our lab. She gave a talk in FIP seminar series. PNU FIP seminar title: Thin film technology for high temperature operating solid oxide fuel cells: Potentials, challenges, and solutions |
2015.05.06 | Prof. Yoon Seok Oh from UNIST will visit our lab. He will give a colloquium talk in the department. Colloquium title: 새로운 고체물질, 그리고 색다른 상전이 |
2015.04.30 | Prof. Woo Seok Choi from SKKU visited our lab. PNU FIP seminar title: Defect engineering in complex oxide thin films ![]() |
2015.04.28 | Dr. Chan-Woo Lee from KIER visited our lab. PNU FIP seminar title: 전자구조 계산을 이용한 에너지소재의 설계: Pd-BaCeO3 촉매의 예 ![]() |
2015.04.22 | Eunyoung and June Hyuck successfully finished poster presentations in 2015 Spring KPS meeting. |
2015.04.17 | We got another optical table. Thanks to all the group members. |
2015.04.09 | Prof. Seohyoung Chang from PKNU visited our lab. |
2015.03.27 | We got an optical table and a LASER. Thanks to all the group members.![]() |
2015.03.20 | Dr. Jung-Joon Yoo from KIER visited our lab for collaboration. |
2015.02.27 | B.S. degree was granted to Eunyoung. She is now entering PNU Physics graduate program. Congratulation, Eunyoung. ![]() |
2014.12.29 | CMP lab members welcome a new undergraduate researcher (Baekyung Kim). He previously served as a head of FC Bigbang. |
2014.12.16 | CMP lab members cordially welcome a new undergraduate researcher (Sunghyun Lim). Also, we deeply appreciate the interests from other applicants. |
2014.12.12 | Prof. Sang Ho Oh (POSTECH) visited us. Seminar title: Materials science with advanced TEM ![]() |
2014.12.08 | We do make films in the lab. ( not like "This film". Click here, if you like to know. )![]() |
2014.11.29 | Sangkyun, Jiho, and Minsung gave poster presentaitons in Annual Physics Research Competition. |
2014.11.19 | Prof. Jungdae Kim ( University of Ulsan ) visited us. Colloquium title: Proximity effects and low dimensional superconductivity of Pb nano-islands In addition, he spent some time with Physics undergraduate students before his colloquium. ![]() |
2014.11.15 | Fall inter-group competition. No Physics, but Fun time!![]() ![]() |
2014.11.13 | The first plasma was created in our custom-made sputtering chamber.![]() |
2014.11.10 | Dr. Seungbum Hong (Argonne National Laboratory) visited us. Seminar title: Nanoscale visualization and manipulation of polarization variants and screen charges ![]() |
2014.10.29 | Prof. Hyoungsoon Choi (KAIST) visited us. Colloquium title: What are you doing down there? |
2014.10.16 | Dr. Inho Bae ( KRISS ) visited us. |
2014.10.02 | Dr. Si-Young Choi ( KIMS ) visited us. Seminar title: Atomic-level imaging and analysis via aberration-corrected electron microscopy |
2014.09.26 | Dr. Bongju Kim ( Stanford ) visited us. |
2014.09.18 | Dr. Minseok Choi ( KIMS ) visited us. Seminar title: First-principles calculations for defects and impurities in materials |
2014.08.22 | Dr. June Hyuk Lee ( KAERI ) visited us. Seminar title: Engineering complex oxide thin films using molecular beam epitaxy |
2014.08.19 | Welcome D. S. Kim for joining CMP lab. |
2014.07.02 ~ 04 | J. H. Lee took part in 1st Magnetism summer school at Sejong, Korea |
2014.06.18 ~ 21 | J. H. Lee took part in 5th Condensed matter physics summer school at Pyunchang, Korea |
2014.05.28 | Prof. Yoon Seok Lee (University of Florida) visited us. Colloquium title: Effects of anisotropic disorder on anisotropic vacuum: Superfluid 3He in hig porosity aerogel ![]() |
2014.05.27 | Dr. Sang Mo Yang (CCES SNU & CNMS ORNL) visited us. Seminar title: Nanoscale probing of electrochemical phenomena and ionic dynamics by scanning probe microscopy |
2014.04.30 | Dr. Young-Min Kim ( KBSI, Dajeon ) visited us. Colloquium title: Uncovering atomic-level phenomena in complex oxide thin film by quantitative STEM ![]() |
2014.03.04 | Hyoungjeen was selected as a 2014 OYRA winner. The ceremony held during the Forum on International Physics reception during 2014 APS March meeting. ![]() |
2014.03.01 | Complex Materials Physics Lab established. |